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Once upon a stitch
22 April 2007
Stitching green snowman in sunny April
Topic: Cross Stitch

This past week the weather changed a lot. Last weekend it was warm (27 degrees Celsius) and then on Tuesday it got a lot colder, I think Thursday was even colder, temperatures dropped almost 15 degrees to a meager 12-15 degrees Celsius. So during the weekend we wear our summer clothes and during the week we put on sweaters, jeans and wintercoatsWink. It doesn't make any sense to me, but it is nice to be able to sit on the balcony on Sundays and enjoy the sun.

As for stitching, I have abandoned my workshop project as well as my 48 count project. The first got delayed because I was so inspired by my current project, the second because it is in the shop and I forgot to bring it home. Now you might wonder what my current project is? It is a design my Marjorie Massey and it is called La Ballade des Cerfs. It is stitched in two colors of green and comes as a kit. I decided to change the DMC to needlepoint silk and got started sometime November last year. 

Originally, I wanted this to be my parents' Christmas gift, but I wasn't sure if my mom would like a green snowman. As I just LOVE the design myself, I thought it would make a fitting gift to my living room. The design is stitched on 40 count Lambswool linen and it goes rather quickly. Part of the reason it goes so quickly is that it is all cross stitch and like I said before, there are just two colors. This is how far I got:

Now I will be stitching on my workshop project from Quieter Moments a bit more later today. The design calls for a lot of attention and concentration and during the week I don't always feel up to it. But boy, do I like how this is coming along. I really hope to get the top part done today and start a band or two in the middle. 

I have also taken on another task, I really need to sort out my personal stitching stuff. There are threads, fabrics, designs and accessories all over the place and I need to take a good look at them. Some have simply lost their charm and I'd like to have it all a bit better organized. Oh, the good intentions one makes on a sunny Sunday.

And because she is so sweet and enjoys being in my weblog so much, here's another picture of Miss Murphy, happily snoring away on the couch.

That's it for today, I'm going to stitch a wee bit more and enjoy the sunshine.

Posted by dehandwerkboetiek at 1:35 PM MEST

22 April 2007 - 11:41 PM MEST

Name: "anonymous"

Hi! Just found your blog, I enjoyed it very much. I look forward to seeing more.

2 May 2007 - 7:41 AM MEST

Name: "Jeanne"
Home Page: http://willowtreestitcher.blogspot.com/

I love your green snowman picture! The colors are pretty and it reminds me of a crisp winter day.  Miss Murphy is very cute too. :)

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