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Once upon a stitch
9 April 2007
I can't seem to stop.....
Topic: Cross Stitch

stitching on my 48 count project. It is so addictive to see the design grow and realize that despite the measurements, it is not going to be huge. The design is 48 x 253. I inserted my needle so  you have an idea of the height of the design. It really is tiny. Working with the soie surfine is wonderful, I thought it would knot more (it is a twined thread) but I seem to be doing OK. The design is by Marjorie Massey.

I remembered that I never showed my progress on Stop and Stitch the Flowers. I really enjoy working on this piece. You'll notice that I have some leaves and stems scattered over the place. My philosophy is to not change threads too often, so once I thread up a needle with a certain color, I try to keep stitching until the thread is gone. The colors are a lot brighter than you can see here.

And since Miss Murphy enjoyed being in my weblog once again, I thought I'd share two pictures I took today. She first cleaned up and then curled up in her "Do not disturb" position.

I think she's adorable when she has her paw over her nose. She's been sleeping most of the day, in various poses. The life of a cat........ 

Posted by dehandwerkboetiek at 8:31 PM MEST

18 April 2007 - 8:12 PM MEST

Name: "Carmen"


Ik ben vanmiddag op bezoek in jou winkel en ik vond deze schitterend. Jou moeder heeft mij ontzettend goed geholpen en ik moet zeggen da zij erg lief is. Het is prachtig als er mensen zijn die je met zoveel warmte en liefde helpen.

Gefeliciteerd en veel succes.




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