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Once upon a stitch
30 December 2005
Two finishes tonigh
Topic: Cross Stitch
I spent today taking inventory at my parents?. A friend of us came over to help and we got so much done, I think that on Sunday it?ll take another hour or two and we got everything counted. Of course I still have to get it into the computer, but at least the counting is done.

The weather here is pretty bad at the moment. Here in the north it is not so bad right now, but it?s snowing and in the western part they had snowdrifts and very scary roads. All things considered, it is a great time to do stitching LOL.

I picked up BC Little One - Santa which got released at the beginning of December. It?s the second I have stitched from this series, I did Tiny Tim Turkey before. It turned out that the symbols are messed up with the threads, so I converted everything to silk threads and Whisper for his beard and hair. Here is how he looks in my version:

I haven?t yet decided on the finishing. I may follow Danielle?s example and turn him into a tassled little pillow. I?m not sure if my tassles will be just as neat. Or I might do another beaded ornament type of finishing.I think that gold beads would look really good around the edges with red silk thread for the backstitching.

Then I also got in the final stitches on my ornament. It still needs two buttons, two tiny holly leaves, but of course those are still at my parents?. I took out the initials, just in case a friend might visit here.

Tomorrow I will work some more on Catherine Agnes. I have some spider web roses coming up and I really like to do those. And tomorrow evening I will do a bit more work on my canvas. I have another new project in the wings waiting to get started.

And then there is of course Moulin Rouge. It has been neglected lately and I need to pick it up. So Mieke, I will be working on MR on Sunday evening again and will make sure to get a pic to show on Monday.

I haven?t finalized my list of ideas for 2006, I will do that tomorrow. At the last day of the year I always get a bit melancholic, it seems that every year passes so quickly, that there is never enough time, that the world seems to become harder every year, that bad things happen, that good things happen, that you meet inspiring people, that you see your friends (and some of them more often than you used to, which is wonderful), that your family is healthy, that you loose quite a few pounds (and gained only 2), that the shop is doing so well, that you loose people and that you gain new friends.

A new year always fills me with anticipation. So much seems possible, there are 365 days waiting for me to make the most of it. That?s quite a challenge but one I?m happy to take on.

Posted by dehandwerkboetiek at 10:28 PM CET

31 December 2005 - 2:45 PM CET

Name: Cathy
Home Page: http://www.needleandthread.blogspot.com

Wow! You are getting alot of stitching done this week. Doesn't it feel good? I've actually done a fair amount myself and it does give one a great feeling of accomplishment.

Here's to a wonderful New Year celebration! Best wishes in 2006!

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